There are a huge number of paid dating sites out there, so when you ask me ‘Do paid dating sites work better?’ it’s kind of a vague question!
I can say for sure that the users of paid dating sites are more committed to the process of finding someone to date, but the specifics of what they’re looking for depend on the site.
If you know what you’re doing and choose your site correctly, though, paid sites do ensure a smoother online dating experience.
Just choose carefully – Silver Singles, for example, is the right site if you’re looking for over 50s, and Adult Friend Finder is the site to go to for a bit of fun.
But in short, yes, if you’re looking for ease of use and/or a serious relationship then paid dating sites work better. Essentially, you can see paid dating sites as a quick fix.

You skip some of the lines. You find other people who are also serious about dating, or serious about casual dating.
In other words, it’s not like free sites can’t get you what you want, but you have to work a bit harder if you’re only using free apps.
Overall, the more ‘official’ the site (so, think desktop rather than the app, and potentially an older crowd) the more reliable the dating site will be.
Eharmony, in my opinion, is a premium dating site if you’re looking for love (more info on eharmony here if you’re interested).
But if you’re just looking for a bit of fun and don’t mind if your efforts go nowhere from time to time? You can probably stick to free apps.
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Is Paying For A Dating Site Worth It?
You may well be asking if paying for a dating site is worth it because you simply can’t afford another subscription.
Related: Is It Worth Paying for Eharmony in 2023?
If that’s the case, hold off! Yes, paid dating sites work better overall if you do your research and find the right one, but they aren’t worth breaking the bank over.
Of course, if you can cancel one of your streaming services and sign up to a dating site instead then maybe you should consider it.
Paid dating sites do tend to match more successful couples than free apps, so they are worth it as long as paying for them isn’t cutting into, you know, food money.
I mean, it’s great landing a date, but if you’re going to arrive with scurvy because you’ve only eaten ramen for the past three weeks then that date probably isn’t going anywhere!
And also, you need to eat a lime. Or maybe an orange. Something with vitamin C, anyway…
Look, the bottom line is that paying for dating sites is worth it if you know what you want out of them.
Pretty much all dating sites are doing really well at the moment, so that means there are plenty of daters out there and looking!
You just have to find the one that suits both your needs and your budget. If you want to explore the options, I have a list of the best dating apps here.
What’s The Best Paid Dating Site?
Everyone is anxious to know what the best-paid dating site is. But it’s a really personal question.
If you asked me, gun to my head, well… first I would ask where you got the gun and how you got into my apartment… but then I guess I’d tell you that if you’re looking for a relationship, Eharmony is the best-paid dating site out there.
If you’re looking for a bit of fun, you could try Adult Friend Finder or even Flingster. These sites are all ‘the best’ but in their own niches!

]I mean, you have taste in all other areas of your life, right? You have taste in dating too! So, work out what you’re looking for, and then try the free versions of a few dating sites to get a taste of them.
Usually, it will be easy enough to tell a good dating site from a bad one. For example, Adult Friend Finder has been going for an amazing 26 years and has some of the most extensive user-generated additional content of any dating app.
And Eharmony has been voted as having the best dating pool of any dating site in North America multiple years running.
So, the conclusion? Well, you need to use your head to a certain extent.
A paid dating site works better than a free one if you choose the correct site for your dating needs.
Working out those needs might take a little bit of soul searching, but don’t take too long about it, the perfect date might be waiting for you right now!