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Hook Her Heart Online Dating Course Logo

Dude Hack Founder Reveals His Entire Dating Blueprint…

Hook Her Heart - The Brand-New, Comprehensive Course On Online Dating: Transform Your life With
More Matches & More Dates!

Are you tired of trying everything in the book when it comes to online dating…


Writing & rewriting your profile bios on Tinder, Hinge or Bumble
Changing your photos around again and again,
Guessing which opener will pique her interest, and
Getting ghosted by the women you’d like to take out?

Does all this make you feel like you’re not good enough for the women you’re interested in?

Does it make it harder for you to get a date, which further saps your confidence?

Look man, I get it – but I want you to know, you are not alone in this!

It can feel really unfair. Frustrating. Discouraging.

But experience and statistics will tell you that only the top 20% of men are really getting all the best women.

And it can feel tough for a guy, who’s not “boring and average” by any means, but also not trying to be a “masculine Alpha Top G”…

You’re just a guy. A good guy.

Not a “beta nice guy” who grovels at the feet of women, but simply a man who should be getting way better results with women – but feel you’re missing something.

And if you’re constantly feeling a dangerous combo of confusion, frustration, and rejection

Don’t You Think It’s Time For A Change?

If you’re reading this…

You’ve probably been trying to meet someone good (or a few “someone’s”) for a while now… but nothing seems to be working.

You’re sick and tired of swiping right on dating apps, but never getting any good matches.

It could even be that you feel you have to stick with dating apps – because your confidence isn’t at the point to just stride up to a beautiful woman and start a conversation!

I Completely Get It. Because I’ve Been There Myself!

These feelings can be frustrating, discouraging… even debilitating. But the good news is, I’m here to help you get unstuck…

First - Who Am I & Why Should You Put Any Weight Into What I Say?

My Name Is Steve Morley, Leader Of Dude Hack.

And man did I used to have the opposite of sexual prowess. I was pretty useless with women for the longest time.

I made the shift, leveled up my dating skills, and now?

I run online programs, create content for men worldwide, on dating and relationships, and help over 7,000 Dudes on YouTube transform their dating lives.

Steve Morley from Dude Hack on YouTube

Not Knowing What to Do Isn’t Your Fault.
Not Doing Anything About It Is!

Imagine for a second if Sex Education class in school taught us how to build our Tinder profiles…

Or the top 5 openers young men should use to: “get her intrigued”.

It’s a laughable concept, right?

It’s so funny, precisely because we haven’t had ANY form of education or guidance on how to date in a normal, fun, socially- acceptable way.

And unless you got super lucky with a dad who had your back, you probably were gripping around in the dark like the old parable with the elephant.

Well, I say all that stops NOW.

I’ve come up with an engaging, groundbreaking new course, that teaches you all you need to know from A to Z.

I’ll be guiding you through extremely important concepts that skipped over you, like:

  • HOW to build a strong physique and V-taper that gets women swooning,
  • WHAT to eat for gains or shreds (and how to exercise to achieve them!),
  • A TOTAL appearance upgrade, with grooming tips, style and wardrobe improvements, and how to dress like the man she wants,
  • PROFILE OVERHAUL for all your dating and socials, so you can set a good impression online, before she ever meets you!
  • CONVERSATION breakdowns, for how to build attraction (and even peer over my shoulder on my most successful interactions),
  • DATE-DAY RUNDOWN so you never slip up or run out of things to say, and know exactly how to escalate smoothly,

… and so, so much more.

Let me share a bit about what’s inside my course:


My All-New Online Dating Course:

“Hook Her Heart”

Hook Her Heart is a comprehensive, step-by-step program designed to help you achieve success in dating and relationships.

Here’s what you’ll learn in each of the five core modules.

I’ve spent a lot of time creating this unique course for you, to completely transform your dating life and confidence with women.

It’s jam-packed with 5 powerful modules, that’ll take you from wherever you are, to a full calendar of dates and options.

Here’s everything you’re getting inside…

Module 1


In this module, you’ll learn how to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for major dating success.

I’m instilling into you the most powerful internal framework for dating success, that’ll boost your confidence, increase your style points, and get you to actually look the part of a high-value man.

You’ll also learn how to overcome limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that may be holding you back, build your ideal physique, and experience respect and attraction from the women YOU want. 

A Sneak Peak Of What’s Inside Module 1:

  • HEALTH– I’ll give you a thorough breakdown of how to get into the best shape of your life, which is simultaneously the most attractive shape you’ve ever been in! We’ll cover things like redefining your physique, bulking up and cutting down, training like an animal, and more.
  • HYGIENE– This all-in-one breakdown is the guide you need, to be looking, feeling, and smelling your absolute best – so attraction is effortless.
  • GROOMING– All modern men need their own “look”. I’ll teach you how to sharpen up your appearance so you can set yourself apart from the pack, and look like a man she wants to.
  • STYLE– Part of creating your “look” is knowing how to dress for your body type, which edge of the spectrum you want your style on, and generally looking masculine and attractive at any time, in your own way.

Module 2


You get ONE chance at success with women online – and it all starts with your profile.

In this module, you’ll uncover exactly how to create a profile that stands out and attracts the women you’re actually interested in!

You’ll learn the do’s and don’ts of profile pictures (including angles, lighting, poses, and more) how to write an engaging bio that makes her FEEL something – and the secrets to writing messages in ways she can’t help but respond to.

A Sneak Peak Of What’s Inside Module 2:

  • FUNDAMENTALS– Here, we’ll go over all you need to know – and how you need to think – to create an attractive, standout profile that gets the results you’re after – namely, more dates!
  • PHOTOS– Here’s the thing… Photos and bio are really what make or break a dating I’ll tune yours up so it’s unique, compelling and attractive – by showing you all you need to do to take great photos that capture your essence,
  • BIO– I’m sharing the Do’s & Don’ts of a great bio – including storytelling, standing out, avoiding dumb mistakes 99% of guys make, and sharing specific examples of the rights and wrongs!

Module 3


The first message you send to a woman can make or break your chances of ever getting a date

Ever felt extremely confused when she leaves you on read?

You thought you had the best one-liner or curiosity-piquing opener, and it just fell flat.

Well, in this module, I’ll teach you how to craft the perfect opener that will grab a woman’s attention, and make her want to respond.

You’ll learn the art of flirting on the apps, and how to create a playful, fun, exciting vibe that will catch her attention, and keep her interested.

A Sneak Peak Of What’s Inside Module 3:

  • DO’S & DON’TS of your first-line opener to women,
  • PERSONALIZATION – Creating a first impression that lasts, and is unique to your personality is key to generating attraction. I’ll show you how to find something to highlight with your each of new matches,
  • REAL WORLD EXAMPLES – I’m going to break down some of my best conversations with women online – especially the ones that led to dates – and why they worked, so you can run with it,
  • HOW to not get ghosted – and why this is happening in the first place – so you come away with a solid approach that gets interested replies!

Module 4


Once you’ve got her attention, it’s time to start building a magnetic attraction.

In this module, I’ll reveal how YOU can have engaging, interesting conversations that will make her want to see you again…

… using The 6 Pillars of Conversation.

You’ll learn how to listen actively, ask the right questions, and share your own stories in a way that creates a deep, emotional connection.

Module 4 gift of gab

Module 5


Finally, once you’ve done all the above properly… it’s time to take things offline and meet in person.

In this module, you’ll learn how to plan the perfect date that will leave her yearning for more.

Here’s a secret: most dates she goes on with average guys absolutely bore her to tears. She’ll sit there feigning interest – at her job interview disguised as a date – as men pepper her with the usual:

“Soo… where you from?”

“What do you do for a living? Oh nice, do you enjoy it?”

And Other Nonsense That’ll Put Her To Sleep!

Instead, I’m revealing my top secrets to choosing the right venue, creating a fun, relaxed atmosphere, and making a long- lasting impression that’ll leave her smiling after you’re gone.

Module 5 dates

By The Way, Bro…

My New Course Is NOT Just For Guys
Looking For A Fun & Full Single Life!

In fact…

The course contains all of my topline material, which I used to actually land a beautiful, sweet, charming girlfriend!

Becoming a better man –
a more attractive man –
is our primary aim here.

Becoming a better man – a more attractive man – is our primary aim here.

The skills I’ll be equipping you with here go far beyond just landing hot new women every weekend. I see this as a pretty shallow pursuit, anyways.

Of course you can use what you’ll discover within to pack your calendar full of dates – and if you want to have fun, I say go for it!

But also, I’ve used these very same strategies to develop a lasting, intimate relationship with an amazing woman.

Now That I’m Off The Market, I Enjoy:

  • CHILLED mornings at cafes, catching up and getting work done,
  • TRAVELING the world with my favorite sidekick,
  • WAKING UP to delicious, love-cooked meals at home from her,
  • PUMPING weight at the gym with her at my side, and
  • RELAXING at home to some comfy cuddles, our favorite TV shows, and deep intellectual talks

… and right now, life with her could not be better!

So if you’re looking for the guys who just want to run through woman after woman, you should probably find it somewhere else.

At Dude Hack, I’m helping guys be their best version, their most authentic selves, and completely tranform their dating lives.

Check out what’s included…

Here’s Everything You’re Getting Today,
Inside ‘Hook Her Heart’:

When you click the button below today, you get:

  • My 5- Module ‘Hook Her Heart’ Course
  • The  6 Core Pillars of Conversation, and
  • 3 BONUS Videos

When You Sign Up Today, I’ll Throw In 3 Killer Bonuses For FREE:

When you click below and complete your order today, I’m also going to throw in three hard hitting bonuses, that will transform your entire dating approach and yield some crazy results:

BONUS #1 - Live Conversation Breakdowns (Using the 6 Core Pillars of Conversation)

In module 4, Gift Of Gab you’ll learn about a concept called The 6 Core Pillars of Conversation, where I’ll reveal how to entice a new woman, build interest and attraction, and lead her to the date.

In this bonus video, I’ll actually break down some of my best conversations that led to more!

BONUS #2 - How to Start a Conversation with a Girl, Based On Her Dating Profile

Since the opener is one of your most important, attention- grabbing pieces, you need to nail it.

I’ll be going through very specific examples of conversations that led to dates – and more importantly, WHY they worked – so you can copy and adjust them for yourself.

BONUS #3 - How to Set Up & Complete A Direct, “Netflix & Chill” Type of Date

Sometimes, believe it or not, a girl will be way more keen to just cut to the chase with you depending on a few core factors, like:

  • Your profile,
  • Your overall vibe from pictures & bio,
  • Your opener, conversation skills, and
  • How comfortable you can make her feel

In this bonus video, I’ll break down how you can suss those opportunities out and capitalize on ‘em!

And Just So You Know I’m Not Blowing Smoke…

And here comes the part I struggle with – because I DO NOT want to come off braggadocios…

… but the methods I use to meet, attract, date, and retain women simply work.

Here’s a bit of proof of my prior excursions, to show you I actually practice what I preach:

Hook Her Heart Other Girls Facebook Message

As you can see, I am living what I’m sharing with you – and I’m giving you an A to Z protocol, to systematically improve your physique, conversational abilities, intrigue and mystery, style, and skills on the actual date itself!

Needless to say, I’m not the only one my methods have worked swimmingly well for…

Check Out What Guys Just Like YOU Have Been Saying About My Material:

Recently Andrew, had this to say:

Jack Wrote Into Me, Saying:

Jack Testimony

Kim Told Me:

And Louie Mentioned:

Hunter Said:


Which reminds me, Another review just rolled in, Saying:

 So let me ask you…

Had Enough of Not Getting Results You Want With Women? The Solution Is Right In Front Of You:

If you, too are interested in:

  • GENERATING real attraction with women, and never settling for “what you get” ever again,
  • KEEPING her attention throughout the whole conversation, online and off, and on the date,
  • KNOWING exactly what to do when the date’s over, and how to escalate in a non-needy, non-creepy way,

And You’re Sick Of Dealing With The Same Old Feelings, Like:

  • DEEP gut kicks of rejection when she ghosts, flakes, or otherwise loses interest,
  • SETTLING for women that you know are below your standard, but you can’t seem to figure out a way to attract higher quality, and
  • BEATING yourself up over rejection after rejection, struggling to find the answers you need – that help you attract & keep quality women in your life

… Then You Need To Act Fast, And Sign Up To My New Program Right Now

You’ll be taken to a secure, encrypted order form where you can complete your order and get instant access to HHH today.

And if you’re still hesitant…

I want to make it an absolute no-brainer for you, by extending my 14-day, ironclad, money-back guarantee, to completely eliminate the risk for you.


That means – if for any reason at all – you click below and complete your order, dive into my program, and apply the three bonuses to up-level your dating skills…

… and somehow you still feel like this isn’t for you?

No sweat! I’m going to let you KEEP the entire course and bonuses for yourself, use them, and transform your dating life – for free!

I’m Removing 100% of the Risk Right Now…

That’s how extremely confident I am in my unique methodologies, that I’m willing to shoulder all the risk for you, and make this an easy decision for you to FINALLY get the results you deserve.

So, that’s it mate!

Now the ball’s in your court. All you have to do is decide you’re sick and tired of:

  • NOT getting the results you deserve with women,
  • GETTING flaked on, ghosted, ignored, and feeling rejected,
  • WONDERING what it really takes to interest her, have amazing dates, and
  • GUESSING your way through the entire interaction – and setting yourself up for failure

There’s zero risk…

So What Are You Waiting On? Seize The Dating Life You Want - Pick Up ‘Hook Her Heart’ Today

If you’re serious about leveling up all aspects of your physique, confidence, conversational abilities, and overall dating life?

Then Click The Button Below To Get Instant-Access To My New Program:

It’s an easy choice. It’s risk-free.

Commit to changing, put an end to feeling left out to dry and get ready to experience a totally different reality with women.

You deserve it. 

Click the button below and get instant access to my all-new course, Hook Her Heart.

See you on the inside my friend!

Steve Morley

Founder, Dude Hack

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Tinder Hacked 2021