Ever met the perfect match, only to hear they’re “not looking for anything serious”? Sometimes, messages with your matches feel a lot more “FWB” than “Mr & Mrs.”
Or you get three dates in before they start telling you about a really great money-making opportunity selling skincare products. Hmm…
Looking for love online can be challenging when you’re feeling weary of one-night stands.

But can you really find the love of your life on an app? Do people on Hinge want a relationship?
For an in-depth look at how Hinge works, I built the complete guide. It’ll help you navigate the Hinge app as well as the weird world of Hinge prompts. (And my free Tinder Hacked ebook can turn you into an online dating wizard, whether on Tinder or Hinge).
Of course, before you commit to just one app, you’ll want to know if people on Hinge are up for something long-term. Like a first date’s father questioning your intentions, you’re asking if Hinge users really want a relationship. So let’s take a look!

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Do Most People On Hinge Want A Relationship?
From lockdowns to social distancing, it’s been a lonely few years and a lot of time wasted. As a planet, we’ve had enough of dilly-dallying: it’s time to get serious in the search for love. Even Justin McLeod, Hinge’s CEO, is banking on a boom in long-term relationships. Get it while it’s hot!
But do most people on Hinge want a relationship? As the app and its advertising target people who are looking for a meaningful relationship, you can be sure many Hinge users are seeking something serious.
Statistically, the vast majority – 90% – of Hinge users are in their early 20s and late 30s. They’re in steady employment and I’d put money on them having well-kept houseplants! These guys are over the casual thing and they’re ready for love. Well, a lot of them anyway.
Is Hinge Really For Relationships?
The internet has made cynics of us all. When everything, from Bernie Sanders’ socialist agenda to Harry and Meghan’s heartfelt tell-all, is instantly reduced to meme-status, it can be tough to believe that anything meaningful can emerge from the turmoil of online culture.
So is Hinge really for relationships? Well, it’s certainly built to help its users find long-lasting relationships. From the 2019 tagline “Designed To Be Deleted” to the CEO’s more recent insistence that we’re all ready for a relationship, Hinge is built for users who want to partner up.
Heck, it’s even in their terms and conditions! In fact, proclaiming that you’re “seeking a meaningful relationship” comes higher than agreeing that you’re not a terrorist in Hinge’s T&Cs. Now that’s priorities, people.

Of course, the definition of “meaningful” differs for everyone – I’ve definitely had meaningful relationships with cheeseburgers. So it’s no surprise there are people on Hinge who are after a hook-up and that’s fine too. But Hinge has worked hard to position itself as the premium swipe-style app for relationships and, for the most part, it’s working.
Hinge Relationship Profiles
Hinge’s whole interface is designed as a move away from the superficial swiping game of Tinder, where attraction is instant or instantly dismissed based on a photo plus a few emojis in the bio.
Hinge’s prompt answers encourage more meaningful icebreakers, while the algorithm helps you hone in on like-minded users including daily Standouts.
Hinge really values user profiles and the app encourages you to offer more information about yourself than many of its competitors.
Although building a profile on any app can be painstaking (is the rock climbing picture less cringe than the goofy-smile pic in a suit? What’s the difference between sarcasm and smarm?) Hinge rewards your hard work with meaningful connections.

Hinge swiping works a little differently too, and while you can “like” a picture or a prompt answer and move on, you’ll have better luck if you add a comment to that like – building an instant connection that could lead to a relationship down the line.
Hinge’s prompts help users build more meaningful profiles but, of course, you have to do some work creating genuine and inspiring answers.
By reading the answers to a user’s three prompts, you should be far more likely to know if you’ll click with them. Of course, some people refuse to give more than single-word answers. But that’s info in itself! Mr. One-word is probably not for you if you’re looking for love.
The prompts and photos set-up seems to work most of the time anyway, as three out of four Hinge first dates lead to a second. In fact, Hinge reckons that over 3000 relationships begin on their app every week.

How To Find A Relationship On Hinge?
If you’re looking for a relationship on Hinge, you’re not alone. I mean, the Hinge Reddit is full of success stories, and those guys are a tough sell. But because of the importance of profiles and prompts, Hinge is sometimes hard on users whose profiles miss the mark.
No matches on Hinge? Sprucing up your profile is probably the answer. Do keep in mind, though, that as Hinge likes are limited for non-paying users to 8 a day, it is normal to get fewer matches on Hinge than on Bumble or Tinder.
So, what’s the cold hard advice? How do you find that relationship on Hinge? As with dating in general, there’s no magic bullet. Just be patient and be yourself and, eventually, it’ll pay off.
With all online dating you’ll get out what you put in, and Hinge helps you put in a little extra with its substantial profiles, pics requirements, and prompts.

If you’re serious about finding a relationship on Hinge, you have to accept that it might take a little work. So be honest in your responses to prompts and be yourself with matches – that way, you’ll quickly find out if you could work as a couple.
How many guys have gone vegetarian to get the girl, only to cave for a pepperoni pizza on the fourth date? Don’t waste her time and yours with ruses!
Oh, and if you upgrade your Hinge account, you’ll get unlimited likes. Match up to your heart’s content. Ultimately, if you’re looking for love things will probably move faster if you put your money where your mouth is.

Final Thoughts
People turn to dating apps for many reasons and, often, curing boredom is a higher priority than finding the one.
But Hinge recognizes that a lot of people are sick of superficial swiping. We can create meaningful connections through our phone screens, and Hinge is giving users the nudge they need to do just that.
Although Hinge might not be as successful as eHarmony in creating matches that end in marriages, it’s a great option for millennials who don’t want to splash out on a premium dating site.
And, if you’re a commitment-phobe who thinks Hinge sounds a little too intense for your flighty ways, try my dating app quiz to discover which app is going to be right for you.