Profiles on Hinge are different from many other dating apps. You have to say a little more about yourself than say, Tinder, answering at least three prompts and including six pics.
Some people find themselves confused about a lack of Hinge matches, and while there are a few reasons you could be striking out on Hinge, working on your prompts will definitely up your matching potential.
When it comes to your prompts you’re going to want to spend a little time making sure they’re optimized and at their best.
If this makes zero sense to you, check out my full guide to Hinge here, we’ll wait for you – in fact, maybe you could check out my Hinge stats guide too if you really wanna bone up.
But if you’re live, kicking, ready to go on Hinge, and are looking for some tips, tricks, and hacks to boost the likes on your prompts, let’s get into it.

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Which Prompts Should I Answer on Hinge?
With your three prompts on Hinge, you’re going to want to show some versatility. So here’s what not to do when choosing prompts to answer:
- Answer them all with dumb jokes, you can seem like a bit of a goof.
- Answer them all straight and you’ll seem drier than the weird dead lizard I found behind my stove.
- Answer them all with a single word and you’ll seem… frankly… either antisocial or stupid.
So the trick is to find a bit of a balance. A technique you might like to try is giving a specific ‘task’ to each prompt. So there’s one to show that you’re funny, one that shows you can be thoughtful, one that shines a light on your cute side, perhaps one that shows how deep you are, you get the idea.
To get you started on your own prompt answers, I’ve collected my favorites of the current Hinge prompts for each ‘task’ and also some example answers for each one.
If you’re just getting started with dating apps, feel free to try them out and see if they work for you. If you’ve done a few laps in the old online dating jalopy, see if they inspire anything for you in creating your own ones.

Best Funny Prompts on Hinge
At the moment my favorite prompt for coming up with funny responses to showcase your humor is “What is your most irrational fear?” There are a couple of reasons for this.
First, it lets you demonstrate creativity, so you can get a bit weird with it.
Secondly, it also makes you a bit vulnerable. Even if it’s ridiculous, there’s something about revealing that you have fears that is humanizing and appealing.
And lastly, some of the best jokes are built on pain. This one has it built-in, so it’s a dynamite choice for making jokes, getting a grin out of your potential match, and getting that important like.
Here are some great answers to ‘What is your most irrational fear?’
1 – Intensely romantic situations (therapist has recommended exposure therapy)
2 – Losing at something even when I am clearly the underdog and have been in training with my group of loveable misfit friends where we learned the value of teamwork and friendship.
3 – Eagle getting tangled in parachute.
4 – Subs (vehicle, not sandwich. Although…)

5 – Chain email curses that are currently sitting un-forwarded in my 90’s email account that I forgot the password to. It’s only a matter of time until that dead girl visits me at midnight…
6 – Whatever it is that my roommate is up to. TBH I don’t think this is irrational. What is he building in there?
7 – Mermaids. Who can resist their watery charms? Pretty sure I couldn’t, which is why I never sail.
8 – I am very, very worried that I seem too confident.
9 – The time I got lost in the woods and there were no lights except the light on my phone and then that ran out of batteries and I realized I should’ve used it to call someone instead of being a torch but it was very dark and I kept needing to check if there were werewolves, but to be honest I’m pretty over this now and it certainly doesn’t wake me up in the middle of the night.
10 – Crabs. (All types.)
More comedy inspiration from funny Tinder bios here.
Thoughtful Prompt Answers
If you want to come across as thoughtful, whether genuinely or in a ‘shower thoughts’ way, the best prompt question for this is, in my opinion, “What if I told you that…” You’ve got good options with this and can push it in multiple directions.
Here are some examples of the range of ‘What if I told you that…’
1 …All pasta is the same thing.
2 …I am actually three raccoons in a trench coat. At least, that’s what my diet would suggest.
3 …I never saw a chicken as a child which is why I have never had chickenpox.
4 …Big pharma is actually in the pocket of big pancake. And there’s a big pancake in my pocket which I am willing to share.

5 …more than one mouse is mice and more than one house is hice.
6 …the moon landing was filmed by Stanley Kubrick. But he was such a perfectionist he went to
the moon to get the shots.
7 …your favorite childhood dinosaur brontosaurus never existed. It was a mixup with the head of an apatosaur on the body of a diplodocus.
8 …your student debt exists not because the nation cannot afford to pay for you to be educated but rather to keep you shackled to your desk.
9 … [your celebrity of choice] is my dad. Well, I think of him as my dad since mine never came back from the shops.
10 … Crabs (all types)

Cute Prompt Answers
If you’re wanting to showcase a romantic side of yourself to illustrate that you might actually be nice to spend time with, a cute prompt answer can go a long way. My favorite prompt currently for doing this is “The key to my heart is…”
Like my other favorites, it has good versatility and you can lean as hard or as soft into it as you’d like to and the prompt itself sets a romantic tone. But whether you’re being painfully genuine, or a little flippant, just remember to keep it cute.
So, a few answer options for ‘The key to my heart is’
1 – Puppies.
2 – Having a different streaming account to me.
3 – Actually listening to my wild fan theories. AVRIL LAVINGE WAS REPLACED YEARS AGO.
4 – couch blanket-based.
5 – red wine, intense unbroken eye contact, and immediately ruining all my white shirts.

6 – accessible via the secret menu. (press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A and Start)
7 – made of chocolate
8 – at the bottom of this bottle of scotch.
9 – strong podcast recommendations.
10 – Crabs (all types)
Deep Prompt Answers
Sometimes it’s good, in this world of irony and metacommentary, so stand out from the pack by just being completely genuine.
If you’re looking for a prompt to contrast with some other fun ones, or one where you can genuinely state something about the wilderness of your heart and the complexity of your inner life then I reckon there’s no better prompt than “The hallmark of a good relationship is…”
When the time for jokes is done, I like this one for its no-nonsense, state-your-intent, nature. Some options for ‘The hallmark of a good relationship is’ might include:
1. mutual dislikes.
2. equivalent scale goals.
3. shared laughter in the face of adversity.

4. a reasonable, but not exclusive, interest in similar things.
5. an acceptance of flaws.
6. a shared sense of values.
7. an ongoing desire for shared activities.
8. mutually necessary levels of affection.
9. continuing strong attraction.
10. Crabs (all types).
What Not To Do In Hinge Prompt Answers
When it comes to your prompt answers there are always some things that you should probably shelve until you’ve got a better idea of whoever you’re chatting with.
When people are getting an impression of you as a person from one sentence, do your best to avoid the ‘easy no’ factor.
At the very, very least (really, rock bottom stuff) avoid being:
- Racist
- Sexist
- Misogynistic
- Queer-phobic
- Violent

I mean, obviously, right?
It’s also a good idea to steer clear of the following:
1. Seeming too horny. Be a little cheeky, a little suggestive, if that’s your objective. But don’t be too horny. It’s too fast too soon. Hinge is quite different from Tinder, and even more different to something explicitly build for hookups like Adult Friend Finder. Save it for the second date.
2. In the quest to be original, being too weird. This may hurt your chances. Balance in everything.
3. Commenting on your experience with past relationships/other users on Hinge. Stay positive and future-focused!
4. Too narrow-focused. Sure, you’re studying the path of the blade. But don’t make every answer about that. They’re looking for a person, not a sword.
5. Answering every prompt with ‘Crabs (all types)’

If all this talk of prompts is not floating your boat and you’re wondering if maybe Hinge isn’t the right app for you, why not check and find out with my easy online quiz that reveals the best dating app for you and your dating style.
Or, if you’re strategically minded and wondering if maybe you need a paid membership to something in order to maximize your dating chances, check out my article on whether paid dating apps work better.