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How Do Couples Accounts Work On Feeld? Paired Profiles Breakdown 2024

How Do Couples Accounts Work On Feeld? Paired Profiles Breakdown 2024

For most people, online dating is all about finding that special someone.

With an emphasis on one. But on Feeld, one plus one doesn’t always make two.

In fact, Feeld itself was initially launched under the name Thrinder (3nder) and was built as a Tinder for threesomes.

Nowadays, Feeld has widened its scope and it’s for anyone looking for relationships, connections, and intimacy, however that’s defined. And because they’ve got lots of alternative features it can take some figuring out to understand how Feeld works.

But they’ve never forgotten their roots, and couples can still link profiles to find a third person to play with. Meanwhile, solo Feeld’ers can search for couples if the mood takes them.

So let’s dive in because on Feeld, three is not a crowd.

What Does Couples Mean On Feeld?

Spend any time swiping on Feeld and it’s likely to provoke a few questions, especially for the more vanilla-oriented among us. But as the Feeld app grows in popularity, those questions demand answers!

So what does Couples mean on Feeld? Feeld started life as an app to facilitate threesomes, and the Couples feature is designed to do just that. You can edit your search settings to seek couples (and can specify male-female, male-male, and female-female). “Couples” is also one of the Desires you can tag on your profile.

Both free Feeld users and Majestic Members can filter the Discover feed to show, or hide, couples. Whether you’re tailoring your search settings or you’ve seen “Couples” on other users’ profiles, it’s a way of finding group activities, rather than one-on-one.

But if another user has appeared in your Discover feed, and you’re not partnered on Feeld, you can be sure you meet their preferences. Even if they have tagged “Couples” in their Desires list, they’re not exclusively looking for group fun.

Feeld’s Desire list is long, thorough, and a pretty wild ride. If you need anything explained, then check out the Desires Glossary the good people at Feeld have put together.

And when it comes to Couples, there’s no surprise that Feeld has a pretty open-minded definition of what that means themselves:

“Two humans involved in a relationship that includes some form of commitment, and with the expectation of accommodating the boundaries of this commitment when playing with others.”

If that sounds like something you might be into, then happy swiping!

How Do Paired Accounts Work On Feeld?

After a few years of being locked up at home, we’re seemingly more eager than ever to expand our horizons, something Feeld is here to help with. So whether you’re an open-minded single or already partnered, let’s explore this fancy Feeld feature.

So how do Paired Accounts work on Feeld?  To have paired accounts on Feeld, both you and your partner need to make a Feeld profile. You can then link them within the app. A link to your partner’s profile will appear on your own profile.

Matches work the same way as with individual accounts. Like one (or both) members of the couple, and see if they match back. You can then express your interest in the chat.

Paired accounts can’t see each others’ connections, but they can create group chats so everyone can communicate together.

But if you’re looking to date separately, watch out when pairing your account with your partner’s. Reddit users have reported that once they had a paired account on Feeld, users looking for single men or single women were filtered out from their Discovery.

What Does Couples Mean On Feeld -pair profile feeld

How Do You Make A Couples Account On Feeld?

Technically speaking, you don’t make a couples account on Feeld: you’re supposed to pair two individual Feeld accounts to become a couple.

Here’s how to pair your account on Feeld:

  1. Open the app and go to ‘Profile’.
  2. Tap ‘Pair profile with my partner’.
  3. Tap ‘Share magic link’.
  4. Copy the link and share it with your partner.
  5. Once they click this link, the Feeld app will open, and your partner will need to accept the invite.

This is the official way to make a couple’s account on Feeld, and it’s especially valuable if you’re interested in dating both together and separately.

But some couples on Feeld are only looking to play together, and if this is the case they often share a single account.

To share an account with your partner, simply build a joint profile for both of you. You can make your username “John and Anna”, explain you’re a couple in your bio, and add pictures of you both.

And while other apps like Tinder will ban you for making a joint account, Feeld is pretty live and let live about the whole thing!

What Does Couples Mean On Feeld - date couples on feeld

Can You Have Multiple Partners On Feeld?

“The more the merrier” may have been coined way in medieval times, but as of 2024, some people apply it in the bedroom as well as everywhere else. If things are getting out of hand for you, skip to the conclusion, but if not…

Can you have multiple partners on Feeld? No. At the time of writing, you can only pair your profile with one other account. However, Feeld has acknowledged the limitations of this and is seeking to add the functionality for multiple partners in the future.

So if you’re more poly than the average parrot, keep your eye out for an update soon.

Are There Fake Profiles On Feeld?

Fake profiles are a scourge of many apps, and photo verification has been introduced across a number of apps to combat them. But Feeld currently lacks a verification feature, so you might wonder about fake people and even… fake couples?

So are there fake profiles on Feeld? Yes. Every dating app has fake profiles, and Feeld is no exception. Look out for blank profiles, and trust your gut if a match feels too good to be true.

That said, if an account on Feeld shows a Paired Account at the bottom of its profile, it’s likely to be real. In my experience, fake profiles on Feeld usually have two or three very similar photos and a lack of bio.

Real people, on the other hand, tend to have an in-depth bio explaining their relationship type and interests. That makes fake profiles on Feeld pretty easy to spot.

But as with any other dating app, you should retain a healthy skepticism. Know how to spot the bots, catfishes, and scammers and you should be fine.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, you can easily ignore couples on Feeld if that’s not your thing. Set your search preferences to a single gender, and couples will be hidden from your feed.

But it’s a helpful feature for anyone interested in polyamory and ethical non-monogamy as well as having actual threesomes. It encourages openness and honesty, and you can’t say that’s a bad thing.

And if you feel like hopping on Feeld to check it out, you should get your dating profile in top condition first so check out my free 6-Step Tinder Tune-Up.

It says Tinder in the title but it’s your complete guide to improving every dating app profile. And hey, why not share it with your partner too!

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